第156号 春の歌練のこと

(生徒B)「松本深志高校の応援練習は、入学したばかりの僕にとってとても衝撃的なものでした。声の大きさはもちろん、足の位置、手の位置など細かいことまで指摘され、とても大変でした。体力的に、また精神的にも辛かったです。しかし、先輩たちの指摘を受け入れ、なぜ応援練習を行うのかを考えながら臨むことで無事乗り越えることができました。また、先生方からは「7, 8組は一番声が大きかった」と言ってもらい、とてもうれしかったです。これからも、この練習で深めた深志生の自覚を持って高校生活を送っていきたいです。」


(English version below)
In our school exist special cheering members who take care of the cheering at school, and hold practice days in April for freshmen to remember roughly 20 school songs sung at various occasions even after graduation.
In view of the current state of COVID-19, the first-year students were divided into three groups, and each group had a duration of 90 minutes of song practice on the rooftop of the school building guided by the cheering team.
I won’t sum up the event here, but today let me give you the reaction of some students who took part in the practice.
Student A : I look back on the event which was highly significant to me. To tell the truth, before the practice began I hated to attend it, but now I feel satisfied that I remembered all the songs, and learned a lot of important things as well. A teacher at my junior high school had often told us to do everything with all your might with your full team. I realized the importance of what the teacher had said. Nobody in my class cut corners when we sang, and I think we will be able to cooperate with each other in any situation in the future.
Student B : It was a shocking occasion to me, a tough work mentally and physically when the cheering leaders told us to take certain physical positions of feet and arms while you sang, but I overcame the event by thinking of why this sort of practice should be done. I felt happy when some teachers told us that our group had sung louder than any other group. I have fully realized that I am a Fukashi student, and need to behave as such.
Student C : At first, I felt surprised and a little scared to listen to the powerful wording of the instructors, but that was why I got tensed up and tried to do my best in the practice. I sometimes felt tired and could not act properly, but to see my classmates doing their best I couldn’t be lazy, doing my very best to the end. When everything was finished, senior instructors gave us encouraging comments, and we took some pictures together. It was a good memorable experience, which gave me a sense of achievement and fulfillment.
You cannot tell how all the other students felt about the event, but I will be delighted that you take the comments above as part of the real voice from the students involved.
Ms. HAYASHI YOSHIMI, an alumna who works for this school as an English teacher, commented as follows ; I feel happy that the first-year students could go through a rite of passage in this school, even though it was only a day for each group. I thank all the seniors who instructed the freshmen.