第165号 応援団管理委員会のこと



かつての団長であり、現在は松本市にある通信制高校の校長を務める 水野好清さん(26回・65歳)から当時の様子をお聞きしたところ、活動内容は現在とそう変わらなかったようですが、最後に次のような逸話をお聞きしました。
(English version below)
Some of you may have heard the phrase “an unsung hero (heroine),” meaning somebody working for others behind the scenes, not on the stage.
Our cheering team could be classified as such. Naturally the cheering leader is one that brings together the students to cheer the players in sports, but the team in our school carries out their activities just as normal school clubs do.
The leader of the cheering squad, Mr. Nasukawa, says,
“What we do in a year includes to cheer at the ball stadium, to give players a send-off party, to have a ceremony to introduce freshmen to their seniors as well as a school song practice. Other activities of theirs draw little attention: to build an arch at the school gate and conduct a bonfire at the school festival, to clean the gutters around school, and to make a carp streamer in winter.
(Actually, the very carp streamer more than three meters long they had made in winter was swimming in the air on top of the school building in June, with the names of the team members and the principal on it.)
“Under the restricted environment due to the virus, we do what we are able to do now. The hardest thing is that we cannot sing out loud to cheer in the ball stadium.
“I think that I need to tell the role as a cheering team to the juniors, who haven’t fully experienced the jobs under the virus so far.
“To observe tradition is important in a sense, but it varies across the times. You could change the way you teach school songs to freshmen in this Internet age.
“Now is the time when you try to do what you think will be of use to the fellow students, not that tradition is everything. Sometimes stand on tradition, sometimes step out of it. You could invent something new. I hope that my juniors will find their own way.”
The history of the cheering group in our school dates back to a long time ago; the former cheerleader about 50 years ago, Mr. Mizuno, the principal at a high school with correspondence course in Matsumoto, remembers his days and mentions,
“What the cheering students do now looks like what we did back in the 1970s. One episode I could add is that we gave a funeral to a dog named Kuro which had stayed at school so long. (I doubt if it was our requisite job.)”
They seemed to play the behind-the-scenes role in those days as well.