第158号 科学の甲子園 全国4位に
【第10回 科学の甲子園 全国 第4位入賞】




(English version below)
On receiving the award certificate from JST, we held a small ceremony to honor the participants for getting the fourth place in the “Kagaku-no-Koshien” contest.
“Kagaku-no-Koshien” is a nationwide annual competition for high school students in science sponsored by JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency), where one nominated team from each prefecture competes with one another in science.
A team usually consists of several members, who answer written questions in science, math, and information technology. Students are also examined in practical skills such as scientific experiments.
My students who took part commented as follows,
”Before we took part in the preliminary prefectural contest, we knew nothing about this competition and had no actual strategy to perform, but once we were elected as a representative from Nagano prefecture we began to work together to prepare thoroughly for the national competition.
“We couldn’t believe when the fourth place came to us in the national contest, but we think that this was because each one of us seven members worked hard for it, and that all of us experienced a lot in it.
“We strongly suggest that the juniors who are motivated participate in the competition this year. We are sure that you will get something very important.”
JST is a national corporate body whose aim is to foster and develop human resources to promote scientific and technological innovation in the future.
JST’s business pursuit includes a Super-Science-High-School project, abbreviated as SSH. Three public high schools, IIYAMA, YASHIRO and SUWA-SEIRYO are now designated and supported by the body as SSH schools in Nagano prefecture.
If you are interested in the contest and other scientific projects by JST, click the specified homepage above, and a specific YouTube URL is shown above where you can see the prize-giving ceremony for the 10th competition held on the 21st of March, 2020 in Tsukuba city, Japan.
(Our students will appear in about 49 minutes and a half from the beginning in the footage.)
I would like the students working at Fukashi not to hesitate to take the challenges in various competitions, presented and displayed in and out of your classroom.