

第167号 ICT教育のこと



 少しずつICT環境を整えてきており、各教室には電子黒板や書画カメラ等を設置し、校内では Wi-Fi が利用できます。既に多くの先生が電子黒板等のICT機器を利用し、生徒の中にはタブレット等を持ち込んで授業で活用している生徒もいます。

多くの先生方が電子黒板等を有効に活用した授業を展開しています。 –

























(English version below)

   Today let me tell you about the present informatization of our school.  Last year started a national project called GIGA school program (short for Global and Innovation Gateway for All), where a tablet computer is lent to each pupil in the compulsory education.

   Our high school will be asking all the freshmen from next year on to bring in their own computer device to school to study in the classroom, and at home as well.

  So far, the technical circumstances inside the school have been prepared with Internet cables and Wi-Fi connection; each classroom is equipped with a projector, an electronic chalkboard, and a portable camera to display something on the screen. 

   A lot of teachers use these pieces of equipment daily to teach in the classroom, and the students are allowed to use their own devices at school.

   Our school has also piled up know-how to deliver online contents on the Internet so that the students can study at home connected to school since the closure of schools nationwide for a while last year under the spread of COVID-19.

   This year we are strengthening our extent of efforts in information technology.  For example, the first-year students have had a lesson to experience how online education proceeds, using a tablet computer for each.  They have had no problem using their devices.  It seems they will be able to take lessons wherever they are, if they have their own computer at hand.

   The instructor Mr. Nishimaki Takeya, chemistry teacher, says,

   “I had the students experience an online lesson in case schools close.  You know that nobody watches movies or TV while taking notes.  Similarly I would like to revise my lessons by showing well-structured pre-shot experiments on the video, so that the students can understand the lesson right on the spot.”

   The other day, furthermore, our teachers learned how to use applications like Zoom, whiteboard, etc efficiently in the lesson, under the guidance of Mr. Oana Sumito, physics teacher.

   He says,

   “Online education tends to be regarded as a tool for the students to study at home while the school closes, but it could change drastically the communication between teachers and students in the lesson.  The screen on the tablet at hand may be easier for the students to see than the board in front of the classroom.

   There has been a dramatic change in teaching at Fukashi for the last two years.  It is important for us teachers to introduce new technologies, think together of what can be done with them, and share what is good.”

   Introducing digital devices to school is not the final objective; what is important is how you use them as tools to learn something.  Our school is always updating the knowledge and skills concerning a digital environment so that the students can have a better and deeper learning in cooperation with their schoolmates.

   We should be committed to keep on trying various approaches extensively in hopes of landing onto a higher stage through a trial and error process.  You can learn a lot by mistake.

 (For reference, click websites above to see how the board of education in Nagano challenges this issue.)